Rise & Grind 👑 🙌🏾
“The Law of Cause and Effect is the “law of laws”
It’s been a couple weeks of breaking down each Hermetic principle published in the Kybalion. I feel this principle we each understand very well. We learned this one as a young child.
Imagine as a kid playing with your favorite toy car. When you pushed it, It moved! That’s because you caused it to move by pushing it. That’s the principle of cause and effect. When you do something (the cause), it makes something else happen (the effect). So, if you push your toy car, it moves. But if you don’t push it, it stays still. That’s cause and effect.
The Principle of Cause and Effect: “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.” This principle asserts that every action produces a corresponding reaction and that nothing happens by chance.
So each week we come to this space and spaces like this we are planting positive seeds. For each seed we plant and nurture, eventually a plant will grow. Learning different tools/resources to impact your life in a positive way is planting the seed, which is the cause. And what we gain from the growth of that seed is the effect.
This doesn’t just apply to positive seeds. Whenever we take action to plant a seed, rather positive or negative we have to understand we reap what we sow. That planted seed leads to the effect of the plant growing. So if you plant seeds of doubt, fear, sorrow, or regret, that will be what grows for you. And growing these types of seeds is what puts us in a position of having a dark night of the soul. Where we feel lost, and hopeless.
So we definitely must be mindful of the actions we take. The things we let our mind focus on, and the things we refuse to release that don’t serve a purpose on our journey.
May each seed we plant for the future be positive and abundant 🙏🏾
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