New Discord Mindful Message! 08.21.23

New Discord Mindful Message! 08.21.23

Rise & Grind 👑🙌🏾

I had to go home for a family emergency last week. I’m from the south, so think sweat tea, front porch swings, and folks waving and smiling at random cars driving by and you have the jest of what home is for me. While home I got to sit and speak with some of the older folks in the community. And I realized older generations have some of the best advice, us “kids” just don’t slow down long enough to listen to. It’s words of wisdom gained from decades and centuries of experiences and life lessons. Where they are in their journey it’s all so simple.

This week I want to just reflect on simple quotes and lessons we may or may not have been given. That we just need to be reminded of as we continue on our own journey.

Let’s keep it simple and take each day as it comes and….”do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better do better”

It’s easy to overthink, but the more we overthink, the less we do. We have to get out of our heads…
Life is meant to be lived, not over-thought. If we slow down and not put so much pressure on ourselves that circle starts to get a lot smaller and easier to manage.


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