How To Invest In Dogecoin

Important: This is not financial advice. Please do your research and only invest what you can risk. This is like any other stock market…a risk. This is just for informational purposes only, to show you step by step how and where to invest in DOGE.

Note: If all you want is step by step easiest instructions. Scroll to the bottom for the steps. Just keep doing research on any and all crypto moves that you make.

Current DOGE news

Robinhood Update (1/29):

Robinhood Crypto Restrictions

Robinhood released a statement saying “Due to extraordinary market conditions, we’ve temporarily turned off Instant Buying power for crypto…Customers can still use settled funds to buy crypto. We’ll keep monitoring market conditions and communicating with our customers.”

Basically, they are restricting movement on Dogecoin the same way they have GameStop, AMC, and Nokia. Your money will be available to purchase after 5 business days. This has forced class action lawsuits against Robinhood in frustration of the restrictions. They never said what these “extraordinary market conditions” are. Users are urging other exchange platforms to offer Dogecoin as an alternative to Robinhood.

Stock Exchange Alternative: Voyager (bottom of page)

(5/5 Update) Our Top DOGE Exchange

Gemini – *Launched DOGE 5/5/21

4 Steps to Buy DOGE

Likes: Added DOGE today. Gemini allows you to use your debit card. Can easily get into DeFi plays. (i.e. ETH/ Defi). Highly rated in the App store, so good feedback.

DeFi Buying Section

Dislike: Doesn’t have a search feature, so you will have to scroll through a few coins to find the ones your looking for. Doesn’t have a lot of coins on the exchange yet, but it does have more than others. $20 Min to purchase coins.

Love: It’s like a bank. It allows you to use your crypto your holding in your wallet (because you own the keys to your coin) at various merchants (.i.e. Baskin Robbins) directly from your phone. (Look into this exchange for more than DOGE. We also use Gemini for ETH and other plays)

Apr 2021 Update (RobinHood Alternatives)

When I first wrote this, I only had DOGE on Robinhood. At the time it was the easiest way for me to purchase. Since then, I’ve found two additional exchanges that allow you to purchase with a debit card and are just as user friendly. I prefer both over RobinHood. The main reason is they provide you the keys to your DOGE wallet. (Note: Wallets are where you keep your crypto, and public and private keys is how you control your coin.)

Not your keys…Not your coin” is something I’ve learned on my crypto journey. The person with the keys has ownership over the crypto. The majority of my DOGE is in RobinHood because that’s where I started. But my long-term moves will be in my wallet(s).

#1: Blockfolio

Likes: Ease of use. Allows you to create a portfolio to track all your cryptos, regardless of which wallet it’s located in. Gives the option to link to personal exchanges (i.e. Coinbase) for live tracking. Easily added Debit card & ACH connects. Can buy DOGE. I also like the news updates for coins your tracking. I got the keys.

Dislikes: Some coin prices are off. So far off I was on my way to the moon when my account jumped 80k. Then I noticed the price was reflecting $9 and not $0.01. I had to make a Note To Self: Link personal exchanges when they make it easier to link.

Love: They give you one random coin when you spend at least $10. Usually the coin they give is so inexpensive that I throw $10 on it.

2nd : Binance US

Likes:  Can buy Doge.  I like that it allows you to deposit with a debit card. I got the keys. Allows you to easily buy their coin.

Dislikes: The US version is nothing like the original Binance. For one it doesn’t have all of the cryptos. The app also lags a lot, and the server seems to  always have a problem connecting to my deposits and  wallet withdrawals. Low ratings in the app store. Once they get it aligned with the original exchange I think everything will be fine.

Love: Allows me to buy coins that I’ve only been able to find on wallets.

Why everyone is talking about Dogecoin

January 2021 was a historical moment in the Wallstreet world. A Reddit group (r/wallstreetbets) laid out a strategy to make millionaires from average retail investors by coming together and purchasing one stock, GameStop (GME). This inspired two more Reddit groups to do the same for Dogecoin (DOGE). Dogecoin was created to be a funny meme currency. But Gamestops Wallstreet disruption has many believing DOGE could be next.

Reddit DOGE push on CNN Business was inspired by this…we see where this has the potential to be life changing for sooo many people. So we wanted to provide some info and walkthroughs for those interested in investing, as well as wanting to know a little more. Check out “What is Dogecoin” for details on what this cryptocurrency is, before investing. Go beyond this site to do additional research.

Push from Elon Musk gave DOGE today after Reddit started pushing DOGE.

Well Reddit showed us how to shake Wall Street by pushing their way to the table. Coming together to buy one stock…Gamestop. GME on January 4th of this year was at $17.

GameStop on 1/4/21

It shook and crushed wallstreet on January 28th, in just 24 days by jumping over $300!

GameStop on 1/28/21

Its our time! DOGE will be how we get our seat at the table.

In less than 10 steps & less than 10 minutes after registering for a Robinhood account…you can invest in Dogecoin & join the movement.


The alternative to Robinhood for DOGE trading is Voyager. There is currently a waiting list with the increase of people looking for DOGE trading platforms. Once the waiting period is over this page will be updated with purchasing instructions.  

Voyager Offers DOGE Trading

IMPORTANT: Research both Robinhood and Voyager to decide which is best for you, and your trading needs.  

  • Both offer DOGE purchasing
  • Both have a waiting period (5-10 days) before your deposit is taken from your account.
    • Robinhood provides instant investing, but they added restrictions on crypto when the trading started to increase substantially. Pending Voyager’s waiting list to find out if they offer instant investing as well.
  • Voyager has a $10 min purchase for each trade.
    • Robinhood does not have a purchase minimum.

Registering for Voyager


1.  Sign up for RobinHood Account.

You can use this link below or ask a friend who has an account to share their link. That way you and your friend can get free perks. Once you are registered and cleared move to step 2 to buy (PUSH).

If the link doesnt work, dont worry go to your app store and download it.

Now Let’s Get Started

2. Link your Bank Account & Transfer Funds

From the Account (1) section you will select the three lines (2) in the top right corner.

Account & Transfer

From there select transfer. Then Transfer to Robinhood (3). Add your amount. You will see confetti to confirm the deposit. Now its time to PUSH with a buy.

Transfer Into Robinhood From Personal
Transfer Complete

3. Select the search glass (1) and type doge (2). Then select Dogecoin (3) when it pops up.

Search and Select DOGE Ticker

4. Select the “Buy” button at the bottom left hand of the page.


5. Now you enter how many coins you want to buy/own (1). You can also see how much DOGE is selling at, as well as how much you have available to buy DOGE (2). Once your ready, Select “Review” to buy.

Buy & Review

6. Make sure your purchase is correct then swipe button up to complete your order.

Swipe To Confirm Purchase

7. Once the order has been completed successfully, you will see “Order Complete”. Also showing you how much of DOGE you own with your completed purchase.  

PUSH Completed

Not What?

Now the most important part …HOLD the line. DOGE is trading for penny’s. GME went from $17 to $396 in less than a month. Practice patience, and allow time for more people to get put on. Don’t get scared when you see the red, if its still under $1 you are still winning. We want to push to $1 and $10 if we shooting for the moon.

Either way once your in…HOLD the line. This applies to all trading, if you believe in what your buying and can afford the risk. “Then buy the dip” (when its red). This is how you get more shares in at a low cost and push at the same time.  

Right now PUSHing to $1 could be a major win, however HOLDing until $10 and $100 is how Millionaires will be born. Remember patience is key. Lets claim our prosperity and take ownership of our seat at the table.

Welcome to your first step towards Financial Freedom.


Note: If anyone has additional info please help educate us all in the comments. This is about Growth and Prosperity so keep it positive.


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  1. What does HOLD the line mean?
    Hold means being patience and not selling as soon as you see a profit. Means holding out as your gains continue to grow when the trading price rises. But that doesn’t mean you cant take gains. You can always HOLD and eat at the same time. Let’s see how you HOLD and Gain at the same time using DOGE at .05 for example.
    1..05 is the floor. When it dips below, we all must bring it back to .05 to keep it alive.
    2. When it reaches $1, only sell 10% of your DOGE so that way you are continuing to hold and drive the price up while still making a profit.

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