VeVe/Ecomi’s Dec 9th Ask Me Anything (AMA)

If you didn’t get to attend last weeks Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Ecomi and VeVe, don’t worry. The Ecomi Fam has you covered. Reddit user Show84 Took notes!

Upcoming contest/giveaways

12 days of Veve (giveaways) starting this Monday 13th to Friday December 24th.

Community Christmas quiz taking place on the 16th.

User Growth

20,000-30,000 new users a day. 1.3 Million active users per month.(2-3 months ago around

500,000). Initially the team only expected 60,000 active users.

Showroom V2

Is live, update your app.

Shelfs removed for more open space.

Small Easter egg. Able to exit the showroom.

V1 will be kept unless you delete it.

Augmented Reality – Empty space, no walls in the showrooms. Able to use multiple collectibles in

augmented reality.

New option in AR mode while in empty showroom called, “move all.” Move all collectibles in one go, rescale, rotate.

Undo/Redo button across all showrooms.

Next week or following week there’ll be an update to moving items for easier movements by a finger drag.

Comics in showroom 2.0 will not be included, but it is a priority to be included in the showroom.

Ron English Gold bunny: Cut off date was last week.


Still an on going issue. Team spending a good amount of money and time fighting the bots. If you’re a BOT user and you get caught there are 100% ramifications. Support team is pretty ruthless.

Community: Report it to VeVe if you see something.

Changed drop system and drop model over the last few months. From first in best stress to randomized edition numbers.

New drop model coming.

US government is looking to outlaw bots.

Submit a ticket to support if you see a suspicious a account.

IMX Update:

xoxo Anticipating all reminting done by Christmas. Then stage 3 for token swap. Won’t be done over Christmas or New Years because it is the most important part. Early January is the start.

You don’t need to swap your tokens right away. The team will release information on how your tokens can be swapped automatically. If manually the information will be posted indefinitely.

ONLY USE OFFICIAL LINKS! (scammers be everywhere).

MTL Update:

Rolled out a week or two ago. Currently in Beta testing. Going well, there are a few things that needs to be addressed before open to wider community. International payout system is fairly complicated. Internal and few external users, then 10, 20, 30, 50, 1000, 2000, 5000 users then everybody.

MCP 1.0 Duplicate comics for Common and uncommon are now exempt for duplicate points.

Drop lottery switched to Raffle system. If you’re successful on the drop, all of your drop tickets that you submitted will be spent. If you use 1000 points to get the drop all your tickets will be debited from your account.

If unsuccessful, you get 90% back.

MCP Pro Monthly paid program.

3 Additional Features:

  1. Given a number of drop raffle tickets a month.
  2. Renting collectibles – sometime next year.
  3. Augmented Reality extended features – also a part of the OMI utility program.

Might continue to add more features. Details next week.

OMI Utility Program (OUP)

  1. Additional tiers in the staking program.
  2. Easier access to use OMI in the market. Looking to maybe remove that access out of the tiers and have it more open.
  3. Exclusive collectible content for tiers. Staking at a particular tier might have a better chance to get a secret rare.
  4. Exclusive accessory packs

Version OUP 2.0 details next week.

WEB PLATFORM (showroom):

Previews in January.


Shift to a waiting room drop model.

5 minutes before the drop, go into the collectible or blindbox screen. Tap join wait list button.

When drop happens, there’ll be a random selection of users chosen to purchase the collectible.

Drop raffle, if you participate you’ll have a better chance to be selected.

More fair and efficient system.

Coming before the end of January… March.

DC has their own version of Artist Alley brand not to be confused with VeVe’s.


VeVe looking to bring in Art works. 1 of 1’s or very very limited pieces. Option based & Option system. More information to be released at a later date.


Scaling issue on Storm and a few other collectibles. Upper lower parameters for limited scaling has and will be fixed. Updates will be automatic.


For users around the World. Might change the time of drops by a few hours. Coming in the New Year.


Stock out today (12/9).


The date on the NFT will be the date it was minted on the blockchain. Not the original release date of the collectible. There were complications. In the VeVe app, the original release date will be shown as well.


Waiting to implement new feature in AR that is supported on most devices. You’ll be able to walk in front of the collectible. For selfies with your collectible.

10,000 UNIQUE BlindBox:

BlindBox drop with 10,000 unique variations of characters where every collectible is 1 of 1.


One of the biggest collectors group in the world. Veve paces themselves when releasing brands. A lot more car license’s to come.Start saving up. GM was confirmed early in the year. Hinting at a dro happening sooner than later.

VeVe = PREMIUM Collectibles

FA (First Appearance) of that collectible. Not paying too much attention at the moment to what other companies are minting. Most other companies don’t classify their own collectibles as First Appearance.

Rarities, First Appearance, Con Exclusive and Seasons, have gone over these things with the companies of Marvel, Disney etc.

VeVe is the first one to mint Marvel & DC.

There was miscommunication with the DC public relations team when they were releasing the minting news.


Medium articles with updates is released monthly. Might update to be more frequent.

98% of users are sitting on less than $100’s worth of gems in their wallet.

Government regulations have more hurdles than initially anticipated.

Will make more of an effort to be more transparent going forward.

MTL, MCP, OUP last few pressure points.

Cash out function wasn’t even initially envisioned.

The team is growing scalability wise.

They’ll be more mindful of under promising and over delivering


Add additional information to the screen. i.e. the total initial amount of the collectible, the amount burned and the current amount.


First few seasons of Batman, the low mint numbers of 16,17 were circulating.

The Mint Numbers were held back at the request of the publishers asking for the lower mint numbers.

VeVe Fun Guide might be released sometime next year.(As an NFT?)


Sometime next year.


Support looking through various activities. Restrict then unrestricted. Building out the support staff, hired 3 additional people. Will continue to hire as user base grows.


A lot more kids brands coming out.


Restricted mode so your kids won’t accidentally sell your collectibles. More controls and features.

Sorting your collection by mint number.

Easier way to browse comics. le by series.


Might go from 3 days to 1 day.

24 hours to win the auction was from the initial days of VeVe when there weren’t that many users. 24 hour window down to 30 minutes.

Don’t forget knowledge is power.


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