Rise & Grind
In the video they do a good job breaking down the NOVA effect, thru the form of a story. The story is all about how this guy never defines a moment in time, as bad or good. Even when external factors (society) try to define it from their perspective. No matter what happens in this his life, he never lets anyone write his story.
So the story goes there was a man living by himself, just him and his dog, NOVA. Then one day, NOVA runs away. The villagers all feel bad for him, but he tells them, “Who says it’s good or bad?”
NOVA returns with a pack of wild dogs. The man gains wealth when he trains and sells the dogs. The villagers praised his fortune, but he replies again, “Who says it’s good or bad?”
Much later, while playing with the dogs, his son breaks his leg. The villagers mourn his misfortune, but the man is calm when he replies “Who says it’s good or bad?”
Then, a war breaks out, and every able-bodied young man is sent to fight. Everyone except his son, spared because of his leg injury.
Key Themes From The Video
Chaos as Catalyst: Sometimes, what feels like destruction is actually creation in disguise. Setbacks can open doors we didn’t even know existed. The damage to his leg, cause others to look at his soon as less than. Society now looks at his soon as if he has a disadvantage. However this ‘Disadvantage’ spares him from war.
The Power of Response: We can’t always control what happens, but we can control how we engage with it. And that engagement sends out its own ripple energy, creating more energy. The guy in the story never let the people around him pull him in any direction. The perfect practice of stillness and flow, which we just talked about a couple weeks ago. No matter what energy everyone around him was in, he stay grounded, while going with the flow of the universe.
The Illusion of “Good” or “Bad”: The NOVA Effect shows that no single event is inherently good or bad. It’s part of a larger pattern we may not yet see. It’s nothing wrong about allowing others to share their perspectives in life, people mean well. Just don’t allow them to write your story for you.
I found a thread with the 4 agreements week. The 2nd agreement is about not taking anything personal. When we understand that events are not happening to us but through us, we remove personal bias from outcomes. Others’ actions, setbacks, and even life’s randomness can be about another’s journey, not ours.
I also know that life flows in cycles. What feels like an ending is often a transition. The NOVA Effect is rhythm in action. Where every low is part of a future high. And sometimes the most powerful response to chaos is to flow with it, trusting that the unseen forces of the universe are guiding us toward alignment.
Why does this matter ?
The shifts many will experience in the upcoming years won’t be linear. Just like the NOVA Effect, we’ll see chaos, setbacks, and breakthroughs. Some people will panic and fall out of alignment, while others will see opportunity where others see failure. The difference? Energy and perspective. These shifts are not about luck. It will be about how we navigate the unpredictable with mindfulness, trust, and alignment.
Video For The Week:
Infinite Prosperity & Abundance To All On This Journey. Thank you for sharing this positive space that is made for the royal creator within each of us.