New Mindful Message! 2.3.25

Rise & Grind 👑 Masters of Reality 🙌🏾

Everything is energy, so Energy = Magic. So let’s learn how to use our inner power, to assist us in creating.

We’ve been saying it since day one of 2025, EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. Now let’s take that understanding to the next level, energy is magic. Not the fairy tale kind, but the real, raw, limitless force we carry within us. I saw this YouTube video from one of my favorite channels that Inspired this weeks theme. We are the creators.

Our intentions this week is to step into our creator energy, exploring how to harness this magic to shape our reality. The Humanity Shift, Wealth Shift, and Culture Shift, and shifts we have yet to reflect on… All of them require us to step into our power, align with the right frequencies, and intentionally direct our energy.

The video explores The ancient and modern understanding of energy as magic, emphasizing that we have all used magic before, consciously or subconsciously. It connects mystical traditions with scientific discoveries, illustrating How energy can be harnessed to shape our reality

This aligns with past discussions on Quantum Thinking, Wu Wei, and Heart Coherence, reinforcing the idea that we are the creators of our reality. We’ll explore how to tap into this energy consciously to navigate the shifts of 2025 and beyond.

I appreciate how the video talked thru how every thought, intention, and action sends energy ripples through reality. As well as how we’ve already been shaping our world, whether we realized it or not.

Ancient civilizations understood this power. The Egyptians called it Hekau, the Indians call it Prana, and the Chinese call it Chi. So for thousands of years our ancestors have understood and used this ‘Magic’. It’s the same life force that martial artists, healers, and mystics have tapped into for centuries.

The video also mentions our “inner flame” is our personal magic. This isn’t something outside of us, it’s within. Learning to cultivate and direct this energy is what separates those who create their reality from those who let life happen to them.

Modern science is finally catching up. Energy healing, biofields, and quantum physics all point to the reality that our minds, emotions, and actions create measurable energy shifts. What ancient wisdom called magic, we now call energy manipulation.

My intention is to apply this magic throughout 2025. We are co-creators of this reality, shaping the shifts happening around us. But to create, we must first recognize:

– Are we unintentionally creating limitations in our lives?

– Are we consciously directing our energy toward abundance and prosperity?

– How can we tap into our inner child and imagine beyond our current limitations?

We’re going to step into our power. Learning how to cultivate and consciously use our energy to navigate the shifts of 2025 and beyond. We’ve already discussed that everything is energy—now let’s learn how to master it.🙏🏾

Inspired YouTube Video

Infinite Prosperity & Abundance To All On This Journey. Thank you for sharing this positive space that is made for the royal creator within each of us.


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