New Discord Mindful Message! 09.16.24

New Discord Mindful Message! 09.16.24

Rise and Grind 👑 🙌🏾

So there are 2 more sections to review in “The Four Agreements” before we even get to the 1st Agreement. Last week, we did a deep dive into the “Smokey Mirror” story from the introduction of The Four Agreements.

The “Smokey Mirror” was a powerful metaphor for how our perceptions of reality are clouded by illusions—what Ruiz calls the “smoke.” This smoke represents the judgments, beliefs, and misconceptions that obscure our understanding of who we truly are. The story reminds us that, beneath the illusions, we are all beings of light and love, but we lose sight of this truth as we get caught up in the fog of societal expectations and internalized judgments. The Smokey Mirror taught us that by clearing away these illusions, we can see ourselves and others with clarity, compassion, and authenticity.

This week’s we explore the next 2 sections of Domestication and the Prelude to a New Dream.

Domestication and the Dream of the Planet:

Ruiz explains how, from birth, we are taught societal rules, beliefs, and behaviors—what he calls the “dream of the planet.” This process of “domestication” shapes our view of reality, as we are trained to believe certain things, behave in specific ways, and seek validation from others. These beliefs are passed down from generation to generation, and we don’t even choose them—they are ingrained in us through language, repetition, and societal expectations. Over time, we internalize these beliefs, turning into our own harsh judge, criticizing ourselves for not living up to the image of perfection society imposes on us. This creates a cycle of self-judgment and emotional suffering, trapping us in a “dream of hell” ruled by fear and insecurity.

Prelude to a New Dream:

Ruiz offers a path forward. He explains that we have made countless agreements with ourselves and others, many of which are rooted in fear and limit our potential. To reclaim our personal power and create a life of joy and fulfillment, we need to break these fear-based agreements and replace them with new ones that come from love. By doing this, we free ourselves from the dream of the planet and begin living authentically, using our energy to align with our true selves and a life of peace, purpose, and freedom.

As we continue this journey, we should take moments to reflect on how domestication has shaped our beliefs and behaviors. Are there agreements we’ve made with ourself that no longer serve a positive purpose in our lives? What new dream will we create when we break free from those limitations? Let’s carry these reflections with us as we dive into the lessons from this week’s sections.

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