New Discord Mindful Message! 07.23.24

Rise & Grind 👑 🙌🏾

It can be VERY challenging these days to keep a positive mindset. How do we keep our minds strong to withstand the noise/heaviness occurring in the world around us? How can we maintain a positive mindset, especially with it being critical to unlocking our brain’s potential. The video mentions “Neuroplasticity”.

So what is neuroplasticity?

It’s kind of what we have been talking about for a while now. So imagine our brain is like a big, magical garden. Every time we learn something new or practice a skill, we plant a tiny seed in that garden. The more we practice, the more we water and take care of that seed, and it starts to grow into a strong and healthy plant.

Now, some plants in our garden might get neglected if we don’t use them much, and they might wither away. But the ones we care for regularly become strong and flourish. Just like in a garden, we have the power to grow and change our brain by learning new things and practicing them. This ability of our brain to grow and change by learning and practicing new things is called ‘neuroplasticity’.

Why do we need to know this to unlock our potential?

Understanding neuroplasticity helps us understand that we can always learn and improve. Here’s other reasons it’s important to know about neuroplasticity:

1. Encourages Learning and Growth: Knowing that the brain can change makes it easier to believe that we can get better at things with practice.

2. Builds Resilience: Understanding neuroplasticity helps us realize that mistakes and failures are just steps in the learning process. Your brain can adapt and improve, so there’s no need to be afraid of trying new things or making errors.

3. Promotes a Positive Attitude: It shows that everyone has the potential to change and improve, which can be very motivating. Even if something is hard now, with effort and time, it can become easier.

4. Encourages Healthy Habits: Knowing that our brain can change in response to what we do can encourage us to develop good habits.

5. Empowers You: It gives us a sense of control over our own development.

It’s important for us to understand, we’re not stuck with the abilities we were born with—we can shape and improve our brain throughout our life.

Understanding neuroplasticity can help us stay positive and persistent when facing challenges. 🙏🏾

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