New Discord Mindful Message! 06.05.24

New Discord Mindful Message! 06.05.24

Rise & Grind 👑 🙌🏾

Yesterday I discussed some common negative sayings towards money that I was raised hearing. Those negative beliefs influenced my emotions towards money/wealth. There was no emotional balance with wealth.

How do I create generational wealth for my family when I believe money doesn’t make you happy, or that it’s rooted in evil? I want happiness and good, so what I’m attempting to create contradicts my beliefs. For that reason I’ll never be able to align my energy with money/wealth. So the investments I’m making won’t return what I’m trying to manifest.

So today let’s look at some common negative beliefs about money, and the impact those beliefs can have on us. Breaking these negative beliefs/behaviors can assist us in establishing a healthier relationship with money and create emotional balance.

Common money sayings and the negative impact it can have on one’s beliefs:

– Money doesn’t grow on trees – Implies money is scarce and difficult to obtain.

– Money is the root of all evil – Suggests money is inherently corrupting and leads to immoral behavior.

– Money can’t buy happiness – Indicates financial wealth is not equivalent to emotional or spiritual fulfillment.

– The rich get richer and the poor get poorer – Implies a system where wealth inequality is perpetuated, leading to feelings of hopelessness.

– You can’t take it with you – Suggests money and material wealth are ultimately meaningless because they cannot be taken into the afterlife.

– Filthy rich – Conveys the idea wealth is dirty or morally tainted.

– Money talks, bullshit walks – Implies that money is the only thing that holds real power and influence.

– More money, more problems – Suggests having more money brings additional complications and stress.

– A fool and his money are soon parted – Indicates people who are not wise will quickly lose their wealth.

– You have to spend money to make money – Suggests financial success requires risking current wealth, which can be daunting or discouraging.

– Money burns a hole in your pocket – Refers to the tendency to spend money quickly once it is obtained, often frivolously.

– Money makes the world go round – Implies money is the most important thing in life, often at the expense of other values.

– Money changes people – Suggests acquiring wealth leads to negative personality changes.

These sayings reflect various societal attitudes towards money, often highlighting its perceived negative aspects and the complications it brings.

That’s not to say there is never any truth behind these sayings. I believe in the saying “You can’t take it with you”. From my perspective it’s not meaningless, it’s important just not prioritized in my life where I’m focusing so much energy and time solely to obtaining it. Balance is key. Like every in life, the beliefs can either have a negative or positive impact. It comes down to the energy in which we receive & give.

The goal is for us to be mindful of how we speak of money when we are speaking wealth over ourselves. May we each have the strength needed to create emotional balance with money and align our energy with prosperity. 🙏🏾

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