New Discord Mindful Message! 05.29.24

New Discord Mindful Message! 05.29.24

Rise & Grind 👑 🙌🏾

“Meditation: The art of doing nothing and still being productive”

This doesn’t have to be hard, I promise. Yesterday and in the last we’ve mostly reviewed traditional ways ot meditation and practicing mindfulness. But the beauty about practicing mindfulness is there is no one way to achieve inner peace, so we don’t have to limit ourselves to traditional ways of doing things. There are so many ways we each practice mindfulness without even knowing, because it comes naturally.

Non-traditional meditation refers to mindfulness practices that go beyond the classic types of meditation. These methods integrate mindfulness into everyday activities, allowing us to cultivate awareness, presence, and tranquility in more dynamic and varied ways. Unlike traditional meditation, which often involves sitting quietly with eyes closed, non-traditional meditation can be done while moving, engaging in creative activities, or performing routine tasks.

The primary goal is just being fully present and aware in the moment, regardless of the activity, making meditation accessible and adaptable to different lifestyles and preferences. Things can be a lot smoother when we’re not being forced to do things that don’t come naturally.

Here are some non-traditional ways to meditate:

– Mindful Eating. Pay full attention to the taste, texture, and sensation of each bite.
– Gardening. Engage with nature, focusing on the sights, sounds, and smells around you.
– Art and Coloring. Use drawing, painting, or adult coloring books as a form of mindfulness.
– Music Meditation. Listen to music mindfully, focusing on the instruments, rhythm, and lyrics.
– Dance Meditation. Lose yourself in movement, allowing your body to express freely.
– Shower Meditation. Focus on the sensation of water on your skin, the sound, and the temperature.
– Mindful Breathing. Anywhere, anytime, focus solely on your breath – its rhythm and depth.
– Gratitude Meditation. Reflect deeply on the things you’re grateful for, feeling each appreciation. (Journaling)
– Cooking Meditation. Engage fully with the process of cooking, from chopping to stirring to tasting.
– Listening Meditation. Sit quietly and focus on the sounds around you, without judgment.
– Mindful Cleaning. Clean with intention, focusing on the actions and sensations involved.
– Mindful Tech Use. Engage with your devices with full awareness, focusing on your interactions and feelings.

We should be using meditation and mindfulness practices is a skill that allows us to focus on being ok with what is. Instead of trying to change existing circumstances that are outside of our control. Think of meditation like exercise for the mind, a skill that can be grown with time to help increase acceptance and self-regulation.

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