New Discord Mindful Message! 05.21.24

New Discord Mindful Message! 05.21.24

Rise & Grind 👑 🙌🏾

Yesterday I shared a personal story on how defined gender roles beliefs can be limiting. If the world stuck to gender defined roles, there would be no Chef Gordon Ramsay, because only women should be in the kitchen. Men being told to never cry, because crying is a feminine trait is known to have several negative effects on an individual’s emotional and psychological well-being. Effects like emotional suppression leading to emotional numbness. Or establishing unhealthy coping mechanisms, because crying is a natural stress-relief mechanism. These are ways in which defining physical gender roles can have a negative effect on the world.

Masculine and Feminine energies, is present in everything. Masculine energy is associated with activity, assertiveness, and logic. Feminine energy is linked to receptivity, nurturing, and intuition. Both types of energy are necessary for balance and creation.

Physical gender is the most direct and visible example of the Principle of Gender. Society has been “teaching” us the biological concept of gender from the moment we are born.

But what are other concepts of gender?

In Thought and Creativity:

– Ideas & Action: To bring an idea to fruition, you need both the creative spark (feminine energy) and the action to implement it (masculine energy). This union of thought and action is necessary to produce any meaningful outcome.

– Art & Science: Even in fields like art and science, we see the interplay of these energies. Artistic creativity (feminine) and scientific methodology (masculine) often combine to produce innovative and effective solutions.

In Personal Growth:

– Balance & Harmony: Personal development requires a balance of introspection and action. Embracing both the reflective, nurturing side and the active, assertive side within ourselves leads to a more holistic and harmonious life.

– Relationships: Healthy relationships often embody a balance of masculine and feminine energies, where partners complement and support each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Understanding the Principle of Gender helps us recognize the need for balance and the union of complementary forces in all aspects of life. It doesn’t matter if it’s from the physical or the metaphysical. This principle teaches us that creation and progress come from the harmonious integration of these energies.

Even the hemispheres of our mind work in both gender energies. From logical thinking to creative. When we embrace the harmony of both gender energies, we can find our truth and become one 🙏🏾

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