New Discord Mindful Message! 05.20.24

New Discord Mindful Message! 05.20.24

Rise & Grind 👑 🙌🏾

This is it, the finale week for the 7 Hermetic Principles (aka Universal Laws), and the final law is Gender.

“Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes.”

Society has put us in somewhat of a choke hold when it comes to defined gender roles. I remember when my son was 3 or 4 he enjoyed fake “cooking”. So for Christmas I got him a “boy” kitchen set. I know it was the boys version because of the color scheme. I was telling my coworkers it was being delivered, and one coworker proceeded to lecture me on how I was “raising” him wrong, his exact words….”Men don’t cook”. He told me how his wife cooks for the whole family and they were teaching his daughters to do the same.

It started some very interesting conversations in our work space. Another male co-worker said he cooked better than his girlfriend and did all the cooking. His mom taught him because she didn’t want him to have to rely on anyone else when he needed to eat. And asked him, before he was married how did he eat? He said his mom cooked for him or he ate out.

So I followed up and asked if he thought grilling was a form of cooking. He did, and I asked if his wife grilled as well. He was like no that’s a mans role. Then a female co-worker jumped in and asked him, if men don’t cook, why is the chef world predominantly male?

I tell this story, to say I understood where he was coming from, even though I didn’t agree. His perspective was coming from traditional/conservative life experiences. He wasn’t trying to harm me with his feedback. To him he was protecting tradition, as well as my son. To him I was doing the unthinkable by encouraging my son to step outside his “gender” role. I was causing harm, by moving away from tradition.

For me, how could he not see his own contradictions. Cooking is only for women, unless…it’s on a grill or professional settings? But if people stayed rooted in his traditional defined gender roles, women would grill, not men, and the only chefs in the world would be predominantly female.

He struggled to see how the collective was growing beyond “traditional” defined gender roles, that limited individuals from finding their passion/purpose. We didn’t see eye to eye in the end. He was so rooted in those beliefs he didn’t see the unbalance/stagnation he was fostering for his family.

Is it hard to believe society could misinterpretated the law of gender? Should there be a hard line between the two genders and restrict any flow of energy by defined roles?

When I was younger there was this ideology that “real” men don’t cry, that’s a female trait. But tears are an emotion shared by All humans regardless of gender.

What does instilling in an individual, that they are supposed to suppress a specific emotion look like? If they are unable to release through tears, what does that suppressed energy manifest into later? If men are supposed to be “hard” at all times, when do they get to be vulnerable? And since it’s an emotion not fostered, when they do become vulnerable will that unfamiliar emotion make them go into fight/flight?

The 7th Hermetic Principle, the Principle of Gender, goes beyond the traditional notion of male and female. It speaks to the essential duality and the interplay of masculine and feminine energies that exist within everything in the universe.

Today I started with a reference of physical gender, but this principle is not just about physical gender, but about qualities.This week we explore this principle and find ways to undo any misconceptions we’ve been taught. We will find peace in the balance ☯️ 🙏🏾

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