Rise & Grind 👑 🙌🏾
We’ve talked a little about doubt creating trust issues. When we’re learning about positive mindset, law of attraction, and affirmations, all the while we suffer or the people around us do. In moments we can find ourselves doubting/questioning the path we are on, and the actions we’ve taken.
There was a 2019 research that showed 85% of people struggled with self-doubt. And according to a 2022 poll, adults have six moments of self-doubt a day, 23% of which is doubting life choices. Other form of doubts adults have daily is work, relationships, and self. Those moments of doubt can be quick or long, but if we keep an open mind & can look beyond that moment, it’ll pass.
“The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.” – Confucius
Like I said yesterday, when you have moments of doubt ask questions and be open minded to the answers you receive. However you can’t let doubt fester and take root, you have to work through it, to get past it. That means not spending all of your days questioning every thought and action. That results in a cycle of questions without actions and solutions.
Balance is always needed, trust the more aligned we become, the easier it becomes to find the truth to our questions. As long as the path chosen is not absent of love, light, and faith…there will be no darkness we can’t shine thru.
Another important thing to remember is we reap what we sow. Don’t become weary, if you’ve been speaking affirmations morning, noon, and night without seeing results. Some seeds take time to grow, and some seeds planted may not have come from positive affirmations.
Reflect on if you’ve been planting any other seeds. You may very well be speaking positive affirmations over yourself 3x a day. But in between those affirmations throughout the day, complain about life to anyone who will listen. Putting words to your doubts/fears can be counterintuitive to your positive affirmations. For 85% of us, it took decades to get to the point where 23% of their day is doubting the choices made in life.
All of this work we are putting in is about reprogramming our thought process, so be patient. Keep planting as many seeds of positivity as you can each day. Don’t be hard on yourself if doubt creeps in, just ask questions and get to the root of it so you can move on. 🙏🏾
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