New Discord Mindful Message! 08.28.23

New Discord Mindful Message! 08.28.23

Rise & Grind 👑🙌🏾

This week let’s reflect on procrastination and how it interacts with our mental health.

Procrastination can take on different forms. The most common is putting off a task until the last minute then scrambling to get it done. Some people say they work better under stress. Yes, you maybe rewarded for completing hard work before the deadline. But is it worth the exhaustion, anxiety, and stress you put your mind, body, and emotions through?

A recent study found procrastination was linked to unhealthy mental health and more psychological distress. Professionals indicated that there are underlying emotional issues such as self-doubt, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, or fear a failure.

Don’t feel guilty or bad if you procrastinate. Everyone procrastinates at some point, and sometimes it’s the best thing to do. When applied correctly it gives your mind time and space to reflect over a problem. That time and space encourages creativity and a positive outcome.

But without balance it can be toxic, and that’s usually the procrastinating we find ourselves in. Avoiding unwanted obligations so much that it results in a downward spiral of emotions and anxiety.

8 Typical Reasons For Procrastination

1. Perfectionism
2. Fear of the Unknown (fear of failure/success)
3. “I’ll Do It Later” (avoidance)
4. Working on Small Tasks Because They’re Easier (avoidance)
5. Experience a Lack of Motivation (depression)
6. Unclear About How to Get Started (overthinking)
7. Often Get Distracted (🐿️ energy/overloaded)
8. Know the Task Will Require Effort & Hard Work (Laziness)

“The key to beating procrastination is to find out what your specific reasons are for doing so, and then addressing them at the core. “

Listen the most effective way of identifying your specific underlying emotional issues is in therapy with a professional. They can assist with addressing the root issue to improve your overall emotional well-being.

But here we have a space to start reflection & practice mindfulness. This week let’s think about what’s causing feelings of procrastination, & start asking these important questions:

– What am I afraid of?
– What is the worst that could happen?
– What happens if I ignore the situation?
– Why am I putting this off?
– What will I gain in the long run by putting this off?
– How often do people actually die from doing this?
– Am I trying to convince myself of something that is not true?
– Am I scared of the process or the result?
– Can I handle the outcome?
– Am I trying to protect myself from a certain outcome?
– Am I actually scared or was I just told this was scary?

May this week be peaceful and productive 💚✨🙏🏾

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