New Discord Mindful Message! 08.07.23

New Discord Mindful Message! 08.07.23

Rise & Grind 👑 🙌🏾

Movement is the essence of life.

We witness it in the movement of breezes and the constant flow of water. Based on observations and experiences in life, we’ve defined movement to consist of one form, without many knowing that Movement can come in many forms. For example sometimes stillness is the best movement.

This week I want to reflect on different forms of movement, and for each of us to see what form best fits us in this current moment of time in our lives.

For me there have been many moments where I get discouraged by what I feel is “lack of movement”. I’m not getting the results I feel I should based off of my actions (movement). Or what I’m manifesting is not coming to fruition in the time I think it should. I forget that things happen behind the scenes. It takes time for the stars and the universe to align. So during those times the universe requires me to be still, not be impatient. And allow things to come together in the time in which it was meant.

I can reflect on times of my youth where I felt like I deserve a promotion based on my work ethic and knowledge, and didn’t get it. Now being where I am today, I can look back and acknowledge the fact that had I gotten that promotion when I felt I should have I would not be as successful as I am today. Knowing what I know now, I wasn’t prepared or experienced enough to maintain the level of success needed to get to where I wanted to be. Had the universe answered my calls then, it would have been a temporary success, and a harder journey after that fall.

We have to have faith/trust in Divine timing. Don’t get discouraged if the best movement for you on your current path is the movement of stillness….

“There are times to move fast, & times to move slow. Sometimes we don’t need to jump right into the next thing, but rather reset and realign. Slowing down, looking, and giving ourselves space often proves to be one of the most potent moves we can make”

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