10KTF NFTs Rake In 1.3M $APE After Partnering With Gucci

ANNOUNCEMENT — 10KTF, an elaborate and story-driven NFT project just closed out its latest drop – the 10KTF Combat Crate collection raking in over 1.3M $APE (~ $10M USD) over a two-day sale in a crypto bear market. The sale follows 10KTF’s recent partnerships with Gucci and Puma.  

Followers of the project purchased Combat Crate NFTs, which will reveal Level 2 combat gear needed for Missions in Battle.town, 10KTF’s gamified PFP event platform.

Powered exclusively by $APE, collectors were able to purchase NFTs using points they had been awarded for previous Missions. Prior to the sale, 714,405 $APE (~$5M USD) was claimed by community members and Battle.town’s most active participants. 

What’s 10KTF? 

Founded in September 2021, 10KTF which is a product of WENEW Labs is the leading shop known for producing the bespoke digital accessories in the Metaverse. Located in New Tokyo, the shop is owned and operated by Wagmi-san, a renowned artisan who creates 1:1 digital collectibles for select parent NFT projects.

PFP Projects supported on 10KTF include: 0N1 Force, 10KTF Gucci Grail, Bored Ape, Kennel Club, Bored Ape Yacht Club, Cool Cats, CrypToadz by GREMPLIN, Forgotten Runes, Wizards Cult, Gutter Cat Gang, Meebits, Moonbirds, Mutant Ape Yacht Club, Nouns, Pudgy Penguin, Wolf Game, World of Women and World of Women Galaxy. 

Who is Wagmi-san? 

World renowned craftsman, Wagmi-san, famous for the most grailed accessories, recently set up a shop in New Tokyo called 10KTF. Depending on the day and his mood, Wagmi-san might create accessories for Apes, Cats, Wizards and Toadz but he only makes objects for customers who own parent NFTs. His accessories are 1 of 1 digital objects that will only be created once.

Wagmi-san has a history with evil crime bosses in New Tokyo that runs deeper than his latest feuds with Boss_Toadz and the neighbouring gangs. In the ongoing feud, Boss_Toadz goes too far and summons a Kaiju to destroy New Tokyo, the floating city 10KTF calls home. With the help of Wen Moon and Grailed (10KTF holders) they fight back in Battle.town

What’s Battle.town? 

Battle.town is a PFP Event Platform where 10KTF NFT owners can join missions in the ongoing Battle for New Tokyo. The complexity and feature set of Missions will increase over time. Players participate in missions by creating load-outs scored by points.

Want to know more about Battle.town, check out: Battle.town FAQ

Why Combat Crates? 

Due to the recent kaiju attack, Wagmi-san needs to release a limited collection of combat items. These combat items are stored in combat crates which are currently being distributed on 10KTF at the Super Serious Command Center. Combat Sale FAQ 

What is Blockster’s Take on 10KTF?

Backed by proper utility in the area of gaming with plans of also going beyond the metaverse and into the physical world, the 10KTF project looks well positioned to get a good share of the ever buzzling NFT market. Although not confirmed, 10KTF NFTs may be associated with physical items in the future.

Follow 10KTF

Website: https://10ktf.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/10KTFshop

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/10ktfshop

10KTF on OpeanSea: https://opensea.io/collection/10ktf

Combat Crates on OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/combat-crates

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