The big question about Nifty’s Shark Week NFTs is how unique they are?

The cryptoverse is under intense pressure in terms of prices of assets, but new events seem to be adding a little spark. Cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFT), which can be termed siblings born out of the mother blockchain can now be claimed for free.

A crypto giveaway is in progress, where popular restaurant chain Chipotle is inviting enthusiasts to enter into a game to win Bitcoin and other assets. On the other hand, Nifty’s has partnered with Discovery’s critically acclaimed Shark Week for a free giveaway of NFTs. The contest has already begun, and with a name like Dwayne Johnson hosting Shark Week, it is likely to pique the interest of many.

Let us explore Nifty’s and Shark Week’s NFTs giveaways.

Shark Week NFTs

According to the announcement by Nifty’s, and also shared by Shark Week, there are 12 digital assets to acquire. Out of these, five are premium Shark Card NFTs, and the remaining seven can be claimed for free. The former NFTs can be purchased in a primary sale, while the latter are available just by scanning a QR code revealed during Shark Week’s airing between July 24 and July 30.

The NFTs are minted on the “eco-friendly” Palm Network. There are multiple NFT collections, and Nifty’s states that people who would eventually have all the 12 NFTs can redeem exclusive rewards. The mint price of each of the five premium NFTs is said to be US$10, which Nifty’s says, can also be acquired from a secondary marketplace, if not minted.

It is also said that a single user of Nifty’s platform can get hold of 10 Shark Card NFTs per transaction. There is no limit on the total number of such transactions, which means users can even go for a high number of purchases in anticipation of selling later at a higher price in the secondary market.

Are Shark Week NFTs unique?

The way Nifty’s and Shark Week are promoting the event, it appears that there is a very large quantity of digital assets on offer. NFTs represent a certain item, often in a digital form, which has at least some uniqueness that can provoke a person to bid heavily and acquire the item. Shark Week NFTs are being rolled out in large numbers and there is no clear statement on how unique each NFT will be or will not be.

Beeple and other NFTs

Each NFT of artist Beeple or that of CryptoPunk or BAYC has some unique aspect. This is one reason why some of the assets from these collections were purchased by enthusiasts for very high prices. Beeple’s Everydays and Pak’s Clock drew high prices due to their uniqueness.

Selling price of Beeple’s NFTs

Bottom line

The coming together of Nifty’s and Discovery for the Shark Week NFTs is likely to draw the attention of both NFT lovers and Shark lovers. How this unfolds in terms of the uniqueness of assets that are on offer is yet to be seen.

Also read: NFT artist Ape Rave Club headlines Tomorrowland; What it means for Web3

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