ECOMI Cryptocurrency Bearish By 40% In The Last 14 Days

ECOMI (OMI-USD) Cryptocurrency is currently on bearish momentum by 40.17% in the last 14 days. At 05:11 EST on Sunday, 30 May, ECOMI (OMI-USD) is at $0.00.

All TIme High and Low

ECOMI’s current value is at $0 which is 82.33% below its all time high of $0.01343572 at Friday, 19 March.

ECOMI’s current value is at $0 which is 70327.86% above its all time low of $3.37E-6 at Monday, 4 November.

Market Cap, Volume, and Supply

ECOMI’s current market cap is at 451895443 and total volume is at 4704717.

Social Status

Currently, ECOMI (OMI-USD) has 99967 Twitter followers.


ECOMI’s last week, last month’s, and last quarter’s current volatility was a negative 2.91%, a negative 1.99%, and a positive 8.45%, respectively.

ECOMI’s current volatility rank, which measures how volatile a financial asset is (variation between the lowest and highest value in a period), was 4.08% (last week), 5.61% (last month), and 8.45% (last quarter), respectively.

Crypto Price Classification

According to the stochastic oscillator, a useful indicator of overbought and oversold conditions, ECOMI’s crypto is considered to be overbought (>=80).

News about Bitcoin

Ethereum (eth/usd) strength outshining Bitcoin (btc/usd) recovery. According to DailyFX on Thursday, 27 May, “While Bitcoin is a proof-of-work currency that will require electricity to conduct transactions, Ethereum has already started to shift focus to Ethereum 2.0 as a more efficient medium. “, “Soon after they announced that they’d stop accepting Bitcoin as payment due to the energy inefficiency by Bitcoin mining and this spurred a heated debate on the topic. “

Cathie wood says Bitcoin ‘impossible’ for officials to shut down. According to Bloomberg Quint on Friday, 28 May, “Star investor Cathie Wood has a message of reassurance for Bitcoin investors amid the din of ever harsher regulatory rhetoric: officials won’t be able to make the largest cryptocurrency go away.”, “Billionaire Elon Musk also highlighted environmental risks in suspending Bitcoin payments at Tesla Inc.”

More news about ECOMI (OMI-USD).

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