Newegg welcomes Dogecoin as a payment method

To celebrate Dogeday Newegg announced that they are now accepting Dogecoin as a payment method at

Newegg has been quick to embrace the shift to cryptocurrency. In 2014, the company was the first major e-retailer to accept Bitcoin for purchases made on the Newegg platform. Similarly, Newegg is among the first to enable customers to pay with Dogecoin while shopping online. When completing an order on, customers who want to pay with Dogecoin simply click “Edit” in the payment section on the checkout page, then select BitPay. Customers can then complete their transactions using Dogecoin held in their digital wallet.

“The excitement and momentum around cryptocurrency are undeniable, and the recent surge in Dogecoin value underscores the need to make it easier for customers to make purchases with this popular cryptocurrency, We’re committed to making it easy for our customers to shop however works best for them, and that means letting them complete transactions with the payment method that suits them best. To that end, we’re happy to give Dogecoin fans an easy way to shop online for tech.”
– Andrew Choi, Sr. Brand Manager, Newegg

The first cryptocurrency to go viral was Bitcoin, founded in 2009. Since then we have seen more cryptocurrencies making their way into the spotlight and Dogecoin is one of the more recent ones. In 2020 we wrote about the possibility that cryptocurrency was dead for ecommerce as then, very few marketplaces had adopted it as a payment method. Since the pandemic caused a boom in ecommerce things have changed slightly and it seems to be making its appearance in more places but is it here to stay? The still very unpredictable fluctuation of the digital currency makes it a valid question as to whether or not is here for good, one thing is for sure though, Coronavirus has caused it to rise once again.

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