New Discord Mindful Message! 10.16.24

New Discord Mindful Message! 10.16.24

Rise & Grind 👑 🙌🏾

Yesterday we talked about the practicing the 2nd Agreement during times of crisis. Let’s take a moment to look at how not following the 2nd Agreement (basically taking things in life personally) can have a negative impact on us physically, emotionally, and mentally:

Constantly Offended: When we take everything personally, we become hyper-sensitive to others’ opinions and remarks. This constant state of being offended can lead to physical stress responses like tension headaches, muscle tightness, and even insomnia, as our body reacts to the emotional strain.

Emotional Turmoil: Absorbing other people’s criticism or negativity can lead to emotional exhaustion. We might feel anxious, angry, or depressed because we let external comments and actions dictate our feelings. This emotional rollercoaster can affect our mental health, creating a cycle of self-doubt and insecurity.

Perpetual Conflict: Taking things personally often leads to unnecessary arguments and conflicts. Emotionally, it makes us feel defensive and misunderstood, and mentally, it keeps us on edge, always preparing for the next confrontation. This can cause a breakdown in relationships, isolating us from loved ones and creating a toxic environment.

Victim Mentality: Feeling like everything is directed at us makes us feel powerless, constantly stuck in a cycle of blame and resentment. This victim mentality can lower our motivation and zest for life, leading to feelings of helplessness that can eventually manifest physically as low energy, chronic fatigue, or even weakened immunity.

Dependence on External Validation: When we take things personally, we start depending on others to validate our worth. Emotionally, this can create deep insecurity, while mentally, we become preoccupied with trying to please everyone. Physically, the stress of this constant pursuit can take a toll, leading to burnout and exhaustion.

Taking things personally drains our energy, messes with our emotional balance, and can cause lasting harm to our mental and physical well-being. By learning not to personalize every action or comment, we protect our peace, health, and happiness.

Let’s do a visual recap of the 2nd agreements:



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