Rise & Reflect
This week was all about how we lose/leak energy, as well as how we can reclaim it.
We’ve talked about people or situations that drain us without us realizing. And we also turned the mirror inward. Discovering some of the biggest energy thieves are the habits we carry inside of us every single day.
The videos inspiring this week, went over 3 habits draining our energy:
1. Overthinking & Mental Clutter
Too much thinking, not enough living. Our minds run wild with “what ifs” and “should’ve beens,” burning energy that could be fueling real-life progress.
Key Shift: Practice stillness. Observe the thoughts without attaching to them. Just because the mind speaks, doesn’t mean it’s speaking truth.
2. Poor Sleep & Ignoring Natural Rhythms
We’ve treated rest like a luxury, when really, it’s a necessity.
Key Shift: Honor your rhythm. Remember Law of Rhythm…everything flows in cycles. When we rest in rhythm, we recharge our energy and regain clarity.
3. Emotional Loops & Attachments
The stories, grudges, and unresolved emotions we replay in our heads drain us more than a full workday.
Key Shift: Release. Let go of needing closure, of needing to be right, of needing the past to make sense. You are not your story—you are the energy that rises beyond it.
Key Takeaways
Stillness is a superpower.
We don’t always need to act. Sometimes we just need to pause, observe, and let life flow Wu Wei-style.
Energy is currency.
Spend it with intention. Guard it with grace. Don’t give it away to things (or thoughts) that aren’t worthy of your power.
Awareness is the first step to healing.
Once we see where the leaks are, we can begin to seal them.
The shift is coming or may very well already be here. The collective need our high vibrational energy for it.
Whether it’s the wealth shift, the humanity shift, or a personal breakthrough… you’ll need all of you present. And that means protecting your vibration at all costs.
This weekend, take time to rest with intention, think with clarity, and feel with presence. You are a vessel of cosmic power, don’t leak your magic.
We got this. Peace, Power, and Protection to us all.
YouTube Video for the Week:
Infinite Prosperity & Abundance To All On This Journey. Thank you for sharing this positive space that is made for the royal creator within each of us.