New Discord Mindful Message! 10.14.24

New Discord Mindful Message! 10.14.24

Rise & Grind 👑 🙌🏾

The last couple of weeks have been crazy to say the least. But I’m happy to set my intentions on finishing what we started with “The 4 Agreements”. We are on the 2nd agreement, “Don’t Take Anything Personally”. I wont lie, after navigating thru life with back to back hurricanes and the loss of a really good human being in my life. It has been and will be challenging to stick to the 1st and 2nd agreement. How do you not take anything personal and be impeccable with your word when your feeling sad/sorry for yourself and the world around you? I’m still processing everything, but I feel getting back to my daily intentions will help me along the way.

From the Book:

“…You take it personally because you agree with whatever was said. As soon as you agree, the poison goes through you, and you are trapped in the dream of hell. What causes you to be trapped is what we call Personal Importance…”

Personal Importance is about assuming everything is about you. Remember the 2nd section of the book about domestication, well its during this period that we are taught to take things personally. It’s also because we think we are responsible for everything.

“Nothing other people do is because of you…All people live in their own dream, in their own mind; they are in a completely different world from the one we live in. When we take something personally, we make the assumption that they know what is in our world…”

One thing I’ve learned over the weeks is not to let people project their world on to me. People say and do things because of what’s going on in their own world, not because of what’s going on in mine. I had family calling me about the hurricane and making me 2nd guess myself. Even though I set my intentions to protect my peace of mind by not watching the news, they were watching, and would call to share the fear that the news created for them onto me. Now instead of believing in myself and the actions I’d taken, my thoughts were now “Am I stupid for not evacuating?”, “Am I prepared enough?”.

At temple today someone said “Take what others say as something to analyze, its not something to accept or reject”. It was on me to reject the fear that was being projected on me and sticking to my truth.

Here’s the deal, when we take things personally, it’s like signing up to carry someone else’s emotional baggage. Someone calls us stupid? That’s their issue, not ours. If we believe them, we’re letting their opinion run our life. But the moment we realize it’s not about us, we gain the freedom to walk away from their drama without it sticking to us.

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