New Discord Mindful Message! 09.19.24

Rise & Grind 👑 🙌🏾

As we close out this week’s review from The Four Agreements on “Domestication and the Dream of the Planet” & “Prelude to a New Dream,” let’s reflect on how much of our lives are shaped by beliefs we never consciously chose. These old agreements—instilled by society, family, and cultural norms often keeping us locked into roles, expectations, and judgments that prevent us from our truth.

Breaking free from these beliefs isn’t always easy. Obstacles in life like fear of failure, societal pressure to conform, fear of rejection, and self-criticism often hold us back from creating new, empowering agreements.

Obstacles We Face:

Fear of Failure: The idea that stepping into the unknown or challenging the status quo will lead to failure or disappointment.

Societal Pressure: External expectations from family, friends, or society that make us feel obligated to follow a certain path.

Fear of Rejection: The fear that by being our true selves, we might lose acceptance or approval from those around us.

Self-Criticism: The inner judge that punishes us for not living up to impossible standards we never even chose for ourselves.

Being Mindful Of Each Obstacle:

1. Challenge Fear: Ask yourself, What would I do if I wasn’t afraid of failing? Often, our biggest breakthroughs come from stepping outside our comfort zones.

2. Question Societal Expectations: Reflect on whether you’re living for yourself or to meet others’ expectations. Who am I when I remove the pressure to conform?

3. Embrace Rejection as Growth: If being true to yourself means facing rejection, see it as a sign that you’re moving toward a more authentic life. How much more fulfilling could my life be if I stopped worrying about others’ approval?

4. Quiet the Inner Critic: When the inner judge arises, remind yourself that those critical thoughts are often inherited from the “dream of the planet.” Ask yourself, Is this judgment really true, or is it something I’ve been conditioned to believe?

As we reflect on these obstacles, may we find the strength to challenge them. This week & next, let’s focus on letting go of old agreements and start creating new ones that align with our true desires and values.

Here’s to breaking free, building new dreams, and living a life of authenticity. May we all find the courage to overcome these obstacles and move forward with love, joy, and empowerment. 💚✨🙏🏾

Here is a 5 min YouTube Summary of “Domestication and the Dream of the Planet”

“Domestication and the Dream of the Planet” from “The 4 Agreements”

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