Are you a Fountain or a Drain?
“Be a fountain, not a drain.” – Rex Hudler
I want to part of the collective that inspires people to grow. To always encourage to take a step back whenever needed. To never give up & to consistently try your best. This is all I could ever ask of you. & knowing that you are out there, making your own way, finding what works for you & creating balance & harmony in your own life will always be good enough for me. I like to see people winning, who remember to continue to smile even when the going gets tough. I appreciate that you remember what’s it’s like to be human, to experience setbacks, failures & hardships but that never stops you!
Perception is 🔑
“A different language is a different version of life.” – Federico Fellini
Perspective is literally our ONLY tool we have that can help shape our Reality. & without Practice & Awareness around it, our Goals, Ambitions & Dreams are just words & wishes & our vision & energy is obstructed.
When we lose sight of this, all it takes to realign & get clear is to learn to see things differently. & when we practice this skill of what actually is another form of listening, the deeper & stronger that relationship becomes!