How I used VeVe To Turn a $4 NFT into $200

How I used VeVe to turn a $4 1961 digital (NFT) comic book into $200. Around mid to late 2021 when VeVe comic drops would take days to sell out, I participated in the first Fantastic Four comic drop and won it for $6.99. Then I waited a couple of days and went into the marketplace to purchase four more for under $4. The video below shows me listing one of those $4 comics for $220 $4,900% ROI. As well as breakdown the Marvel “Success Fee” charged at time of listing.

2Minute Quick Look

Even though $4 VeVe drops in Marketplace, doesn’t mean there still are deals. I still find NFTs selling for less than the drop. I have no idea why this is happening, but while they sleep I eat! Even now I’ll wait a few days go back into the marketplace (MP) and purchase comics I see under $20 to hold.

Important: #NFT Drops are only on the VeVe app for iOS and Android! & For Drop info check out my YouTube VeVe drop playlist, and ALWAYS go straight to the source whenever you can for details. VeVe is on the Medium platform and always post drop details for every drop.



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