DeVere unveils exclusive product linked to Bitcoin and Ethereum futures

DeVere Group has launched a fixed-yield bond that tracks futures of Bitcoin and Ether on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange over a one-year maturity period.

Nigel Green, deVere Group chief executive and founder said: “I’m confident that this structured note will prove to be an extremely popular and rewarding addition to investors’ asset allocation strategy, helping with all-important portfolio diversification.

“In the current era of almost-zero interest rates and with inflation becoming a growing and serious issue, the rate of return on most investors’ money is an important factor to consider.

This proposition – a buy-and-hold one held to maturity with principal protections in place – will give investors access to potentially higher income or growth which the other options may not be able to provide.”

“This proposition – a buy-and-hold one held to maturity with principal protections in place – will give investors access to potentially higher income or growth which the other options may not be able to provide.”

He added: “The decision to launch a fixed yield solution linked to Bitcoin and Ethereum (Ether) futures was made to the soaring client demand regarding cryptocurrencies.

“Digital currencies are widely regarded as the future of money, which is evidenced by the growing institutional investment from Wall Street giants and multinationals. And in today’s digitalised, globalised world, the demand for digital, global currencies in some form – is only set to grow.”

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